What I'm trying to do is a simple page that gets one parameter which is an id of an object.
public class IndexPage extends WebPage
public IndexPage(PageParameters parameters)
String id = parameters.get("share_id").toString();
// etc...
This page has to be secured from unauthorised visits. I've added @AuthorizeInstantiation("user") annotation and managed standard Wicket security support including getSignInPageClass() in MainApplication that extends AuthenticatedWebApplication.
The problem is when I need to get back to my IndexPage after authorization with original parameters. I got some solution but I need it to be more elegant and more common (universal).
Retrieve parameters from RequestCycle:
final Request request = RequestCycle.get().getRequest();
PageParametersEncoder encoder = new PageParametersEncoder();
PageParameters parameters = encoder.decodePageParameters(request.getUrl());
Pass them by throwing new RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException(getSignInPageClass(), newParameters);
I know it's not a nice solution because I need to be sure what is exact index of parameter in my url (encoder returns only indexedParameters, not namedParameters - or I am doing sth wrong?).
Maybe there is somebody that has met that problem before?
In your Siginpage, after you have verified the login, make a call to continueToOriginalDestination();
This should do the trick.