I am developing android apps using android sdk. I have a common library that is shared by multiple projects. The projects use the same code from the shared library but with their own res, image, and sound, etc. But if these projects are installed on the same device, when I run one of them, it will bring up other apps that built from the shared library.
Anyone can help me on how to solve this issue? Thanks
It appears that you are not using a true Android Library Project, described here: http://developer.android.com/tools/projects/index.html.
The "Complete Action Using" Dialog appears when firing an Intent to load an Activity
that may not be in the same Application.
Please verify that you are sharing resources and code via an Android Library Project.
With an Android Library Project, you can share resources between multiple different applications that are distributed via separate .APK's without confusion between components. It is done all the time by many developers.