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Slideshow with headline and caption outside the slideshow

I am working with and need to have a headline and paragraph display and rotate outside the slideshow. Something similar to this:

I am not much of a JS guy and tried a few options to no prevail. My current code is:

$(function () {

  // Slideshow
    auto: false,
    pager: false,
    nav: true,
    speed: 500,
    maxwidth: 728,
    namespace: "large-btns",
    before: function(){
        }, // Function: Before callback
    after: function(){
        $(".current").html($(".rslides").find("li#" + $("." + this.namespace +     "1_on").attr("id")).index() + 1);
    } // Function: After callback
$(".total").html($(".rslides li").index() + 1);

I tried appending a DIV for the slide H3 and P to display in but I can't get it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Ideally you would edit the library to pass back the current index to the after function. nonetheless if you want a quick fix / hack:

    you can do something like this:

    see jsfiddle here:

    with a sample html like this:

    <div id="slide_content_body">
        <div id="slide_content_0" class="slide_content">
            <h2>Superfood Smoothies! 1</h2>
        <div id="slide_content_1" class="slide_content" style="display: none;">
            <h2>Superfood Smoothies! 2 </h2>
        <div id="slide_content_2" class="slide_content" style="display: none;">
            <h2>Superfood Smoothies! 3</h2>
    <div class="rslides_container">
        <ul class="rslides" id="slider1">
                <img src="" alt="" />
                <img src="" alt="" />
                <img src="" alt="" />


    $(function () {
        // Slideshow 1
        var boo = $("#slider1").responsiveSlides({
            auto: false,
            pager: true,
            nav: true,
            speed: 500,
            maxwidth: 800,
            before: function () {
            }, // Function: Before callback
            after: function () {
                $( '.slide_content' ).hide();
                $( '#slide_content_' + $('.rslides1_on').index() ).show();
            } // Function: After callback

    RE if you want to have the content in the li you can do it like this:

    check out this fiddle:

    change the js function to do something like this:

     $('#slide_content_panel').html( $('.rslides1_on .content').html() );

    as for the html it would look something like this:

    <div id="slide_content_panel">
    <div class="rslides_container">
        <ul class="rslides" id="slider1">
                <img src="" alt="" />
                 <div class="content" style="display: none;">
                    <h2>Superfood Smoothies! 1</h2>
                <img src="" alt="" />
                <div class="content" style="display: none;">
                    <h2>Superfood Smoothies! 2</h2>
                <img src="" alt="" />
                <div class="content" style="display: none;">
                    <h2>Superfood Smoothies! 3</h2>