I would like to specialize a function template such that the return type changes depending on the type of the template argument.
class ReturnTypeSpecialization
template<typename T>
T Item();
// Normally just return the template type
template<typename T>
T ReturnTypeSpecialization::Item() { ... }
// When a float is specified, return an int
// This doesn't work:
int ReturnTypeSpecialization::Item() { ... }
Is this possible? I can't use C++11.
Since the specialization has to agree with the base template on the return type, you can make it so by adding a "return type trait", a struct you can specialize and draw the true return type from:
// in the normal case, just the identity
template<class T>
struct item_return{ typedef T type; };
template<class T>
typename item_return<T>::type item();
struct item_return<float>{ typedef int type; };
int item<float>();
Note that you might want to stick to the following, so you only need to update the return-type in the item_return
item_return<float>::type foo<float>(){ ... }
// note: No `typename` needed, because `float` is not a dependent type