I've got this "Shot" class. In the code, the target variables are the mouseX and mouseY. So when i click the mouse button, my player class will create a new shot object. But the shooting is inaccurate. How can i calculate the correct dx and dy?
If i add the dx and dy to the "bullet's" x and y, the bullet will move to the mouse's direction.This is what i want. The mouse position is stored in targetX and targetY, when the object is created. This is the point what the oval wants to reach.
The code (from Shot.java):
public class Shot extends Entity {
private float targetX, targetY;
public Shot(World world, float x, float y, int width, int height, Color color, float targetX, float targetY) {
super(world, x, y, width, height, color);
this.targetX = targetX;
this.targetY = targetY;
public void render(GameContainer gc, Graphics g, Camera camera) {
g.fillOval(x - camera.getX(), y - camera.getY(), width, height);
public void update(GameContainer gc, int delta) {
float dx = targetX - x;
float dy = targetY - y;
x += dx * delta * .001f;
y += dy * delta * .001f;
I tried this, but still not work:
public void update(GameContainer gc, int delta) {
float length = (float) Math.sqrt((targetX - x) * (targetX - x) + (targetY - y) * (targetY - y));
double dx = (targetX - x) / length * delta;
double dy = (targetY - y) / length * delta;
x += dx;
y += dy;
I did it! Here is my solution:
The problem was that, the target was the window's mouse position, and not the world's mouse position.
This is how i calculated the world's mouse positions:
float mouseWorldX = x + (mouseX - screen_width / 2); // x = player's x position
float mouseWorldY = y + (mouseY - screen_height / 2); // y = player's y position
This is code from my game at the moment is used to move a unit to the mouse when the right mouse button is pressed:
length = Math.sqrt((target_X - player_X)*(target_X - player_X) + (target_Y - player_Y)*(target_Y - player_Y)); //calculates the distance between the two points
speed_X = (target_X - player_X) /length * player_Speed;
speed_Y = (target_Y - player_Y) /length * player_Speed;
This will move an object to the target in a line at a set speed.
Edit: this is the actual code right from my game
length = (float) Math.sqrt((player_waypoint_X - player_X)*(player_waypoint_X - player_X) + (player_waypoint_Y - player_Y)*(player_waypoint_Y - player_Y));
velocityX = (float) (player_waypoint_X - player_X) /length * (float) PlayerStats.player.db_player_Speed;
velocityY = (float) (player_waypoint_Y - player_Y) /length * (float) PlayerStats.player.db_player_Speed;
player_waypoint_X = input.getMouseX() - 2;
player_waypoint_Y = input.getMouseY() - 2;
For testing purposes the velocity's are defined in the init method along with length. Every time the right mouse is pressed the waypoints's X and Y are changed to the mouse location.
I learned this from this question velocity calculation algorithm.