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Shoot to the mouse direction

The problem:

I've got this "Shot" class. In the code, the target variables are the mouseX and mouseY. So when i click the mouse button, my player class will create a new shot object. But the shooting is inaccurate. How can i calculate the correct dx and dy?

If i add the dx and dy to the "bullet's" x and y, the bullet will move to the mouse's direction.This is what i want. The mouse position is stored in targetX and targetY, when the object is created. This is the point what the oval wants to reach.


The game (finished)

The code (from

public class Shot extends Entity {
    private float targetX, targetY;

    public Shot(World world, float x, float y, int width, int height, Color color, float targetX, float targetY) {
        super(world, x, y, width, height, color);
        this.targetX = targetX;
        this.targetY = targetY;

    public void render(GameContainer gc, Graphics g, Camera camera) {
        g.fillOval(x - camera.getX(), y - camera.getY(), width, height);

    public void update(GameContainer gc, int delta) {
        float dx = targetX - x;
        float dy = targetY - y;

        x += dx * delta * .001f;
        y += dy * delta * .001f;

I tried this, but still not work:

    public void update(GameContainer gc, int delta) {
        float length = (float) Math.sqrt((targetX - x) * (targetX - x) + (targetY - y) * (targetY - y));

        double dx = (targetX - x) / length * delta;
        double dy = (targetY - y) / length * delta;

        x += dx;
        y += dy;

I did it! Here is my solution:
The problem was that, the target was the window's mouse position, and not the world's mouse position.

This is how i calculated the world's mouse positions:

float mouseWorldX = x + (mouseX - screen_width / 2); // x = player's x position
float mouseWorldY = y + (mouseY - screen_height / 2); // y = player's y position


  • This is code from my game at the moment is used to move a unit to the mouse when the right mouse button is pressed:

    length = Math.sqrt((target_X - player_X)*(target_X - player_X) + (target_Y - player_Y)*(target_Y - player_Y)); //calculates the distance between the two points
    speed_X = (target_X - player_X) /length * player_Speed;
    speed_Y = (target_Y - player_Y) /length * player_Speed;

    This will move an object to the target in a line at a set speed.

    Edit: this is the actual code right from my game

            length = (float) Math.sqrt((player_waypoint_X - player_X)*(player_waypoint_X - player_X) + (player_waypoint_Y - player_Y)*(player_waypoint_Y - player_Y));
            velocityX = (float) (player_waypoint_X - player_X) /length * (float) PlayerStats.player.db_player_Speed;
            velocityY = (float) (player_waypoint_Y - player_Y) /length * (float) PlayerStats.player.db_player_Speed; 
            player_waypoint_X = input.getMouseX() - 2;
            player_waypoint_Y = input.getMouseY() - 2;

    For testing purposes the velocity's are defined in the init method along with length. Every time the right mouse is pressed the waypoints's X and Y are changed to the mouse location.

    I learned this from this question velocity calculation algorithm.