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Jquery Tools naming Scrollable items, to open any one of them when loading page (Deep Link)

Hello in using this scrollable code in my page

its working great.

Im trying to "name" the scrollable items so i can open an specific item like they do on the Tabs , here

Anyway i check here, Also try in my code , naming the items on the nav but even here its not working

¿How can i do that? Thanks in advance.

Here is my Code HTML:

<ul id="tabs" class="css-tabs navi">
  <li><a id="mp" class="current" href="#">MFP</a></li>
  <li><a id="mp2" href="#">Features</a></li>

  <!-- "previous page" action -->
<a class="prev browse left"></a>

            <!-- root element for scrollable -->
<div class="scrollable" id="scrollable">

  <div class="items">

<div id="mp">



<div id="mp2">



</div><!--end items -->

</div><!--end scrollable -->

           <!-- "next page" action -->
<a class="next browse right"></a>

My jquery tools code

$(function() {
  // initialize scrollable
  $(".scrollable").scrollable({circular: true}).navigator({

    // select #flowtabs to be used as navigator
    navi: ".css-tabs",

    // select A tags inside the navigator to work as items (not direct children)
    naviItem: 'a',

    // assign "current" class name for the active A tag inside navigator
    activeClass: 'current',

    // make browser's back button work
    history: true


UPDATE 1: I found this in other answer, i just dont know how to apply it to a normal href, or lets say , i want to give my client an URL does this works?

Assuming you want to deeplink so that scrollable will scroll to a certain slide based on GET URL? here's what I do:

scrollapi = $("#scrollableID").data("scrollable");
deeplink =
if (deeplink) {

Add the GET string is just the number of the slide you want to link to. (starts at 0)


I cant make it work either :(


  • Finally I got it!!

    here is the final code if some one needs Deep Link on JqueryTools Scrollable

    $(function() {
      // initialize scrollable
      $(".scrollable").scrollable({circular: true}).navigator({
        // select #flowtabs to be used as navigator
        navi: ".css-tabs",
        // select A tags inside the navigator to work as items (not direct children)
        naviItem: 'a',
        // assign "current" class name for the active A tag inside navigator
        activeClass: 'current',
        // make browser's back button work
        history: true
    var $hash = window.location.hash.substring(0);
    var $grave_nr = $hash ? $hash.slice(1) : 1;  
    var api = $(".scrollable").data("scrollable");
            api.seekTo($grave_nr, 1000); 

    For each element the URL is


    Ans so on, each for one element, starting on 0