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Erlang: What happens when you f() a Pid in erl?

Say I'm working with some simple processes in erl:

1> Fun = fun(F) -> F(F) end.
2> Pid = spawn(fun() -> Fun(Fun) end).
3> f(Pid).

What happens when I do f(Pid).? Does the process exit or do I just lose my reference to it?


  • According to documentation f(Pid) removes the binding of variable Pid, the process is not stopped.

    You can test it in this way: suppose you have a gen_server called myserver which is based on the skeleton provided by emacs erlang mode.

    1> {ok, Pid} = myserver:start_link().
    2> f(Pid).
    3> gen_server:call(pid(0,39,0), mycall).
    4> gen_server:call(myserver, mycall).

    As you can see even though we did f(Pid) we can still contact the process using its pid or the atom used during registration (in our case the module name).