I am trying to install FusionReactor_windows_4_5_5 on my ColdFusion 10 / Windows 7 (32bit) system. But it is giving me an error:
Setup detected a problem Please ensure that the Java System Preferences Backing Store has appropriate permission! Additional information can be found in the following documents: http://www.fusion-reactor.com/support/kb/FRS-198.cfm http://www.fusion-reactor.com/fr/helpdocs/installation_guide.pdf The error reported is: Flush(): Backing store not available.
How do I solve it and install FusionReactor successfully?
From the FusionReactor support pages found here: FusionReactor Technote - FRS-198 (this was also mentioned in the error that you received)
Insufficient privileges
The runtime user of the server on which FusionReactor is installed requires read/write access to the Java System Preferences Backing Store. Depending on the operating system, the location of this data store is different.
On Windows the data is stored in the registry hive
, the data belonging to FusionReactor is inHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Prefs\com\intergral\fusionreactor
. Page 14 of the FusionReactor Installation Guide provides you with instructions how to adjust the permissions of this store.On Linux and Solaris the data is typically stored in the directory
as a hierarchy of directories containing XML files. The data belonging to FusionReactor is in the directory/etc/.java/.systemPrefs/com/intergral/fusionreactor
. To set the necessary permissions execute the following command as user root:
chmod -R 777 /etc/.java/.systemPrefs
Alternative locations of the System Preferences Backing Store
Some JVMs try to create the System Preferences Backing Store in the directory
as a fallback solution if the directory/etc/.java/.systemPrefs
cannot be created where$JAVA_HOME
denotes the directory where the JVM itself is located (e.g. /opt/coldfusionmx/runtime/jre ).We strongly recommend you to use
as the one and only location of the System Preferences Backing Store. In case there is already data from other applications in$JAVA_HOME/.systemPrefs
you should move it to/etc/.java/.systemPrefs
and delete$JAVA_HOME/.systemPrefs
afterwards (after you have adjusted the permissions of/etc/.java/.systemPrefs
properly).Clear the System Preferences Backing Store
- If you attempt to install a license and you get the error message mentioned before:
Can not upload license: null
or simply
then you should stop the application server, clear the content of the Java System Preferences Backingstore and restart the application server.
On a Windows machine run the registry editor (regedit.exe or regedt32.exe) and then delete the key
On a UNIX machine as user root delete the directory
If the permissions are configured correctly uploading a license and activating it will work properly afterwards.
On MacOS the System Preferences are stored as a set of *.plist files under the
folder. Once the application server has stopped delete the file/Library/Preferences/com.intergral.fusionreactor.plist
to clear all Preferences belonging to FusionReactor.