I am trying to delete the parent table row and watching if it cascades (the delete) on the child table rows. Parent and Child Table Entity with java annotations are:
//Table details
//Mandatory Column details
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Integer id;
@OneToMany(cascade={CascadeType.ALL}, mappedBy = "parentTable")
private Set<ChildTable> setChildTable;
//Child table entity details:
@Table(name = "CHILD_TABLE")
//Column details
@Column(name = "PARENT_TABLE_ID")
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Integer id;
private ParentTable parentTable;
@JoinColumn(name = "PARENT_TABLE_ID")
public ParentTable getPatentTable() {
return parentTable;
//QueryDSL to Delete child table row, looks like this:
HibernateDeleteClause query = new HibernateDeleteClause(getSession(),QChildTable.childTable);
Path<?> idPath = QChildTable.childTable;
query.where(((NumberPath<?>)idPath).in((Number[]) ids)).execute();
//QueryDSL to Delete parent table rows, looks like this:
HibernateDeleteClause query = new HibernateDeleteClause(getSession(),QParentTable.parentTable);
Path<?> idPath = QParentTable.parentTable;
query.where(((NumberPath<?>)idPath).in((Number[]) ids)).execute();
If i delete the child and then try to delete the parent table rows, it works fine. Looking for help to delete the Parent and Child table rows all at a time the way insert works. Like Creating ParentTable object assigning the data and insert , inserts both Parent table and Child table rows. Thanks for the help.
Unfortunately DELETE clauses in JPQL do not cascade to related entities, so you will need to use the API for cascading deletes or updates:
A delete operation only applies to entities of the specified class and its subclasses.
It does not cascade to related entities.