edit: the two questions linked above are not like what I need. I don't have a URL instead Im using DWR to call the java object directly from javascript so they don't help me.
I want to check if a person is dead many times on a page and I wan to reuse a function so I dont have to write the ajax stuff many times. I want to reuse isDead()
The problem is it always returns false because it doesn't wait for the ajax callback.
How can I make it wait before returning true or false?
function isDead(personId){
callback : function(result)
if(result == 1){
return true;
return false;
errorHandler : function(e){
return false;
Luckily for me there is an answer specific to DWR. It turns out you can disable the asynchronous functionality with async:false
function isDead(personId){
callback : function(result)
if(result == 1){
return true;
return false;
errorHandler : function(e){
return false;