The Google Chrome block Java plugin until you explicitly allow it to run.
How can I detect in javascript if Chrome block it?
It's not only Chrome employing click-to-play features - Firefox (Java made click-to-play via blocklist), Opera (their Turbo mode makes all plugins click-to-play), ... and there are also Add-ons/Extensions that prevent plugins from running automatically.
None of those allow you do find out about plugins being click-to-play from content scripts. So ideally you address the problem in a more general way.
You can differentiate between the plugin not being installed (see navigator.plugins
) and other cases by either
... and assume "failed to load or got blocked" based on that. There is a best-practices page on MDN for this.
That distinction should usually be good enough, check e.g. how SoundCloud handles plugins being click-to-play.