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mysql - update foreign key with a value

I have a birthdate, year, month, day columns where columns "year,month,day" are foreign key to other tables What I want to do is for each birthdate get id(year(birthdate)) to be the value of year column and the same thing for month and day columns.

How can I do this in MySQL?

i tried this solution:

update member set year=(select from All_years,member where All_years.fromY=year(member.birthdate)) where id=30471;

but it cause " ERROR 1093 (HY000): You can't specify target table 'member' for update in FROM clause "

Thanks in advance


  • You don't want to select from the members table in the subquery. Use the table you are updating instead.

    UPDATE member
    SET year=(
       SELECT id FROM all_years
       WHERE fromY=year(member.birthdate)
    WHERE id=30471;

    Is there a reason why year/month/date are foreign keys though?