As far as I understand, autoRemoveOnFinish only works only when the duration has a finite value. But what if I stop the particle system at some point, will it remove the node after no particles left? for example
CCParticleSun *particleSun = [CCParticleSun node];
particleSun.autoRemoveOnFinish = YES;
[self addChild: particleSun];
and at some point in the game I set
[particleSun stopSystem];
Will this remove the node after no particles left? Thank you in advance for helping.
The answer is yes.See the method -(void) update: (ccTime) dt
in CCParticleSystem.m
if( particleCount == 0 && autoRemoveOnFinish_ ) {
[self unscheduleUpdate];
[parent_ removeChild:self cleanup:YES];
Try to set a breakpoint here to check,this will be called after no particles left.