I'm trying to have a Comparable function compareTo two street addresses. I'm working on the String (street name) of the address at the moment. So far, I have the following code. I eventually want to be able to compare the street numbers too, but I'd like to be able to get this code fixed first. Whenever I try to compile this code, I get the following error:
StreetAddress.java:45: error: constructor StreetAddress in class StreetAddress cannot be applied to given types;
StreetAddress add1 = new StreetAddress("cartesian road");
required: no arguments
found: String
reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length
StreetAddress.java:46: error: constructor StreetAddress in class StreetAddress cannot be applied to given types;
StreetAddress add2 = new StreetAddress("cartesian road");
required: no arguments
found: String
reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length
StreetAddress.java:47: error: constructor StreetAddress in class StreetAddress cannot be applied to given types;
StreetAddress add3 = new StreetAddress("n kings street");
required: no arguments
found: String
reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length
StreetAddress.java:48: error: constructor StreetAddress in class StreetAddress cannot be applied to given types;
StreetAddress add4 = new StreetAddress("pioneer parkway");
required: no arguments
found: String
reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length
StreetAddress.java:49: error: constructor StreetAddress in class StreetAddress cannot be applied to given types;
StreetAddress add5 = new StreetAddress("starry avenue");
required: no arguments
found: String
reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length
5 errors
public class StreetAddress implements Comparable<StreetAddress>
protected int num;
protected String stName;
public void StreetAddress(int n, String s){
num = n;
stName = s;
public int getNum(){
// returns the street number
return num;
public String getName(){
// returns the street name
return stName;
public int compareTo(StreetAddress street) throws ClassCastException{
// exception prevents crash if an address is not compared to
// another address
StreetAddress x = (StreetAddress) street;
int compareName = this.stName.compareTo(street.stName);
if (compareName < 0){
// first address comes after compared address
else if (compareName == 0){
// same address
System.out.println("test equal");
// first address comes before compared address
System.out.println("test > 0");
public static void main(String args[])
StreetAddress add1 = new StreetAddress("cartesian road");
StreetAddress add2 = new StreetAddress("cartesian road");
StreetAddress add3 = new StreetAddress("n kings street");
StreetAddress add4 = new StreetAddress("pioneer parkway");
StreetAddress add5 = new StreetAddress("starry avenue");
The issue, as you note, is with:
compareName == this.stName - (street.stName);
You can't subtract strings. The way to get the result I think you're looking for is:
int result = this.stName.compareTo(street.stName);
Obviously this assumes that stName
is a String
. If not you will have to implement compareTo
within the class that stName
is, as I see you have done in an edit. The issue you report with your edit is that the class is as follows:
class StreetName {
// Constructor
StreetName(int n, String st) {
// code
However, you are trying to instantiat the class as follows:
StreetName fred = new StreetName("name");
You are only sending the constructor a String
, and not an int
with it. Assuming the number is important, you need to change that to:
StreetName fred = new StreetName(number, "name");