I have been using resource files and referencing them in my views in the standard way for example Resources.Labels.CountryName
. But I have a situation where I need to get the value of the resource in my C# from the resource name as a string i.e.
string resourceName = "Resource.Labels.CountryName";
How would I get the value in the resource file from this string?
Normally you get resources with
GetLocalResourceObject("~/VirtualPath", "ResourceKey");
GetGlobalResourceObject("ClassName", "ResourceKey");
You may adapt this. I write my own extensions for the HTML helper like this one for global resources:
public static string GetGlobalResource(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string classKey, string resourceKey)
var resource = htmlHelper.ViewContext.HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject(classKey, resourceKey);
return resource != null ? resource.ToString() : string.Empty;
I think, in your example with this you would get the resource in your view with @Html.GetGlobalResource("Labels", "CountryName")
Because local resources need the virtual path and I don't want to write it into the view, I use this combination, which gives both opportunities:
public static string GetLocalResource(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string virtualPath, string resourceKey)
var resource = htmlHelper.ViewContext.HttpContext.GetLocalResourceObject(virtualPath, resourceKey);
return resource != null ? resource.ToString() : string.Empty;
public static string Resource(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string resourceKey)
var virtualPath = ((WebViewPage) htmlHelper.ViewDataContainer).VirtualPath;
return GetLocalResource(htmlHelper, virtualPath, resourceKey);
With that you can get a local resource very comfortable by writing @Html.Resource("Key")
in your view. Or use the first method to get local resources of other views like with @Html.GetLocalResource("~/Views/Home/AnotherView.cshtml", "Key")