Search code examples

How to implement your own WHOIS server?

How would you get the WHOIS information to provide in the first place?

Note that I'm not actually intending to do this; I'm just interested in how it would work!


  • Simply implement the whois protocol

    You get a query, you look it up in your database and you send your answer. That's it. Have a look at the example:

       open TCP   ---- (SYN) ------------------------------>
                  <---- (SYN+ACK) -------------------------
       send query ---- "Smith<CR><LF>" -------------------->
       get answer <---- "Info about Smith<CR><LF>" ---------
                  <---- "More info about Smith<CR><LF>" ----
       close      <---- (FIN) ------------------------------
                  ----- (FIN) ----------------------------->

    How to build your own database, it depends on what information you want to provide.