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Triggering a video autoplay based on scroll position

I am writing a script that uses the Wipe animation from the scrollorama.js script. I am hoping to be able to implement a video to autoplay at certain markers in the scroll depth: ie, when a video page has wiped out another, and is now fully viewable. I have figured out how to measure scroll depth, i am successfully logging it in my console. I have figured out how to measure how deep i have scrolled, but maybe i am so tired, i don't know how to ask the video to play automatically at the scroll depth. I hope this is a legal question, and that I can get some assistance. Has anyone out there tried this before? Here is the code thus far.

enter code here $(document).ready(function() {

$(window).scroll(function(e) {

  var scrollAmount = $('body').scrollTop();


    var controller = $.superscrollorama();
    var pinDur = 800;   
    // create animation timeline for pinned element
var pinAnimations = new TimelineLite();

//pinAnimations.append([$('#green'), .5, {css:{top:0}})], .5)
pinAnimations.append([$('#intromovie'), .5, {css:{top:0}})], .5 )
pinAnimations.append([$('#red'), .5, {css:{top:0}})], .5) 
pinAnimations.append([$('#blue'), .5, {css:{top:0}})], .5 )
pinAnimations.append([$('#movie1'), .5, {css:{top:0}})], .5);
pinAnimations.append([$('#history1'), .5, {css:{top:0}})], .5);
//pinAnimations.append($('#pin-frame-unpin'), .5, {css:{top:'100px'}}));$('#content_wrapper'), pinDur, {
    onPin: function() {
    onUnpin: function() {




  • I figured this out, so i answer my own question with the help of a lot of other answers patched together here!

    If anyone is interested, the html was simple:

        <div id="videoHolder"></div>

    Jquery was also simple:

        $(window).scroll(function(e) {
            var scrollAmount = $('body').scrollTop();   
        if(scrollAmount >="theamountyouwant" && scrollAmount <= "theotheramountyouwant") {
                '<video width="1200" height="700" autoplay>' +
             '<source src="" type="video/webm"></source>'  +
            '<source src="" type="video/mp4"></source>' +