this is my first post here, I hope I won't make to many mistakes...
I use the wonderful jquery.cycle plugin for a news slider module on my website. Now I would like to add a pager that looks like this:
01 / 02 / 03 / 04
That means I have to add "dividers" (= "/" a forward slash) after each pager number except the last one. But I can't figure out how i could possibly do that.
This is what I have:
// redefine Cycle's updateActivePagerLink function
$.fn.cycle.updateActivePagerLink = function(pager, currSlideIndex) {
.after('<div class="pager-news"></div>')
fx: 'scrollRight',
rev: 1,
speed: 'slow',
timeout: 6000,
pagerAnchorBuilder: function(idx, slide) {
var numSlides = $("div.teaser-news").length;
if( idx < 10){
idx += '<a href="#">0' + idx + '</a><span class="divider"> / </span>';
} else {
idx += '<a href="#">' + idx + '</a><span class="divider"> / </span>';
return idx;
Can anybody help me get rid of the last slash? Thanks!
The zero pad function added by lucuma came in handy with mine, although after a bit of experimentation i found that the output didn't like adding outside the wrapper. So when i tried to do return <a href='#'>" + zeroPad(n,2) + "</a> /
it ignored the markup after the closing </a>
To get round this i had to add a wrapping <li>
so i could then add the forward slash inside the wrapper. I have amended my code to match
$('.carousel .images').cycle({
timeout: 5000,
pager : '.pager-news',
pagerAnchorBuilder: function(idx, slide) {
var n = idx+1;
var wrapper = $("div.teaser-news");
if(n != wrapper.children().length){
return "<li><a href='#'>" + zeroPad(n,2) + "</a> / </li>";
return "<li><a href='#'>" + zeroPad(n,2) + "</a></li>";