I was surprised that the following forward backward conversion from 32-bit ints to hex strings fails:
Integer.parseInt(-2028332484.toHexString, 16)
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "871a1a3c"
Obviously a workaround is
java.lang.Long.parseLong(-2028332484.toHexString, 16).toInt
But I wonder if there is not a better (and possibly more Scala'ish) solution?
It's been answered for Java already here.
Unfortunately there is no additional treatment for that transformation in scala AFAIK.
Scala defines in RichInt
def toHexString: String = java.lang.Integer.toHexString(self)
and in StringLike
def toInt: Int = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(toString)
apart from import java.lang.{Long => JLong}
and using JLong
I don't know a more scala-ish solution than yours.