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Integration Tests in grails: getting null in query string parameter

I'm doing integration tests for controllers in grails.I need to pass query string in test case and I'm passing it as controller.request.queryString for the same.

My tests is getting failed. It's giving me null value for the query String parameter.

Controller - UserExController

Foll is the action on which i'm doing integration testing.In this I'm reading query string parameter 'uid' and getting the userInstance using GORM method

def getUser() {
    //reading the query string parameter 'uid'
    def userId = request.getParameter("uid")  
    User user = User.findByUsername(userId)
    render view:'edit', model:[userInstance:user]

This is the test for the above written action .In this I'm passing the query string parameter and calling the action

class UserInstanceTests extends GroovyTestCase {

    void testPerfSummaryApi() {
        def userExController=new UserExController()
        def model = userExController.modelAndView.model.userInstance
        assertNotNull model

I'm getting groovy.lang.MissingMethod.Exception in the foll call:

User.findByUsername(userId) //userId is comming null


  • Change in Controller:

    def userId = request.getParameter("uid")


    def userId = params.uid

    Change in int test:




    Grails' dynamic binding helps in binding the query parameters to params and request to request in the controller.