I have a Post model that
has_many photos
The Post model has
accepts_nested_attributes_for :photos
In my Post edit form i show all the images that are currently associated with the post
<% for photo in @post.photos %>
<%= image_tag(photo.avatar.url(:thumb)) %> <%= link_to "Remove Photo", post_photo_path(@post, photo), :method => :delete %>
<% end %>
When hovering over over the Remove Photo link the path looks like so
I get uninitialized constant PhotosController, but that's expected as there isn't one.
My question is do i create one and have a destroy action in there that will just delete that photo.. Is this the way to go about it or is there a better way?
Photos Controller
def destroy
@photo = Photo.find(params[:id])
redirect_to edit_post_path, :notice => "Successfully deleted Photo"
resources :posts do
resources :photos
resources :departments
Rake Routes
edit_post GET /posts/:id/edit(.:format)
My opinion is that the best thing to do would be to create a PhotosController
to handle the destroy action. That way you will preserve the Single Responsibility Principle, and have less workaround with adding custom routes.
Also, there is the option to put that one action in the PostsController
if you are really sure you won't be adding any additional actions connected to Photos (like tagging photos, or whatever).
It's really up to you, but i believe the first one is easier.
If your going with the second option, be sure to create a route for the destroy photo action in the PostsController
and the link should be pointing at that exact action.
Your routes.rb
resources :posts do
resources :photos, :only => [:destroy]
resources :departments