For certain reasons (Oracle, I'm looking at you) I need to be able to use 32 and 64 bit versions of ruby. Can I have both 32 & 64 bit versions of 1.9.3 installed side by side with rbenv? How would I be able to tell them apart when I run rbenv versions?
Right now I'm using a 32 bit version of 1.9.2 and a 64 bit version of 1.9.3. I would much prefer to have a 64 & 32 bit version 1.9.3.
For now I've just chosen to use a different patch. There has to be a better way...
To clarify my situation, I'm using a machine that runs on Mac OSX Lion.
this link describes my main problem, no 64bit instant client for Lion
This link shows the only solution I've found to the problem
This is no longer an issue, because oracle released a 64 bit instant client that works on Lion and Mountian Lion.
You can have as many arbitrary builds of Ruby installed in rbenv. It doesn't care as long you give them each a uniquely named directory/symlink in ${RBENV_ROOT}/versions/
By default, it seems that Rubies built on OS X are 64bit. If you can figure out how to configure 32bit build of Ruby, you could install one with PREFIX="$(rbenv root)/versions/1.9.3-p194-32"
, for example. Then you can use that version as any other:
RBENV_VERSION=1.9.3-p194-32 ruby -v
Here I used "-32" prefix to tell versions apart.