Well it's kind of a newbie question but I think lots of people have problems with this.
I'm developing Windows/web application for fun, and installing them at friends' places. Most of my developing concentrates on the CRM system, but I have a big problem with showing data from DB in better, more effective and lighter ways.
Using Microsoft built-in web controls is a nice and easy way, but it doesn't answer my needs, and worse, it's not that effective as other web controls in great software and websites(Google(lol)).
I want to build my own controls(GridView, etc...). So my question is how can I do this myself?
How does Microsoft build their web controls for both web and Windows Form developing?
Here's the starting place for learning about creating your own web controls.
And here's an older reference, but probably a better place to start.
And finally.... If you want to develop custom controls for Windows Forms applications...