I have a many to many relationship between forms and events, in a list using a join table and when I display the data in edit mode I show each item in its own dropdown in a table as opposed to one multi select dropdown list. I also have a little jQuery in there to add extra dropdowns in if I want to add more items, My question is, how do I then save back this set of "events", in order? Code is as follows: -
Initial _form.gsp to load all linked events for the form: -
<table id="eventList">
<g:each in="${formInstance?.events}" status = "i" var="item">
<tr class="${(i % 2) == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd'}">
<g:select name="event_${i}" from="${framework.Event.list()}" required="required" optionKey="id" value="${item.id}" />
Additional objects are added with this gsp
<tr class="${((newRow+1) % 2) == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd'}">
<g:select name="event_${newRow-1}" from="${framework.Event.list()}" required="required" optionKey="id" />
The save button currently is as such: -
<g:actionSubmit class="save" action="update" value="${message(code: 'default.button.update.label', default: 'Update')}" />
And the Update action is unchanged from the one generated automatically from the domain setup. How do I get the save to recognise the new fields added? Currently hitting save does to the "events", even if I change the order...
Domain Classes are as such
import java.util.List;
class Form {
static constraints = {
formDesc(blank:false,maxSize:100,unique: true)
static mapping = {
table "form"
version false
id column:"form_id"
formDesc column:"description"
testscenarios joinTable:[name:"lnk_scenario_form",key:'form_id']
events joinTable:[name:"lnk_form_event",key:'form_id']
String formDesc
List events
static hasMany = [testscenarios:TestScenario, events:Event]
static belongsTo = fartframework.TestScenario
String toString (){
class Event {
static constraints = {
static mapping = {
table "event_form"
version false
id column:"event_form_id"
eventTypeID column:"event_id"
eventOrder column:"event_order"
testDataID column:"test_data_id"
objectID column:"object_id"
forms joinTable:[name:"lnk_form_event", key:'event_id']
EventType eventTypeID
Integer eventOrder
TestData testDataID
Object objectID
static hasMany = [forms:Form]
static belongsTo = fartframework.Form
String toString (){
Turns out this was because my link table had a primary key set on both the form_id AND event_id combination columns, which I don't care about as I WANT to be able to have duplicates in there (as its the order that's more important), removing these primary key values on the table solved the problem!
I do still have the issue that if I now add/remove a bunch of times I get problems with identical names and the issues that represents, but I can work round that one with some jquery hacking (I hope)...