How do I write RIFF chunk data to the end of a WAV file? Yes, that's right, to the end of a WAV file. Why? Because that's the way the old program I'm replacing did it and the integrating programs are prepared for it that way and they cannot be modified.
Ok, so in the end it wasn't really a standard format. We found that out by leveraging the CueWaveFileWriter
like Mark Heath stated. The format was actually something very custom and looked more like this:
LIST - this is a one-time blurb of text.
Tag Name (e.g. ICOP for copyright)
4 bytes indicating the length of the following value + 1. The 1 was a (byte)0 terminator.
so an example might look like this:
ICOP<bh:15><bh:00><bh:00><bh:00>4/5/2013 10:48:40 AM<bh:00>
so, to get this done, we just created a BinaryWriter
and wrote them out directly like this:
using (BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(writer))
foreach (var item in RIFFChunks)
if (!(bw.BaseStream.Position % 2 == 0))
bw.Write(item.Value.Length + 1);
and you may want to take note to this line if (!(bw.BaseStream.Position % 2 == 0))
, that needed to exist because each tag name needed to start on an even offset. I honestly don't know why, I just know it did.
I have to say though, there's a good chance I can now reverse engineer just about any file format. But really, what good is that?!?