When running my program I get such error :
*** glibc detected *** ./prog: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x09155170 ***
The problem is obviously with giving the memory to the struct via malloc, but I can't get what's wrong with it. Here is the code of my program (in C) :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct
char kood[4];
int kogus;
char nimetus[80];
double hind;
int P;
int K;
int A;
void sort(int m, ese* d);
void search_kood(int m, ese* d);
void search_nimetus(int m, ese* d);
void search_kuupaev(int m, ese* d);
int menu();
int main (void)
FILE *list;
list = fopen("elektroonikapood.txt", "r");
int menu_valik,m,i;
if (list==NULL)
printf("Empty or corrupted file!");
return 0;
ese *esemed = (ese*) malloc(sizeof(ese));
fscanf(list, "%s", esemed[m].kood);
fscanf(list, "%d", &esemed[m].kogus);
fscanf(list, "%s", esemed[m].nimetus);
fscanf(list, "%lg", &esemed[m].hind);
fscanf(list, "%d", &esemed[m].P);
fscanf(list, "%d", &esemed[m].K);
fscanf(list, "%d", &esemed[m].A);
{ menu_valik = menu();
if(menu_valik == 1)
sort(m, esemed);
else if (menu_valik == 2)
search_kood(m, esemed);
else if (menu_valik == 3)
search_kuupaev(m, esemed);
else if (menu_valik == 4)
search_nimetus(m, esemed);
else if (menu_valik == 0)
return 0;
There are also some additional functions , but I don't think there is a problem with them.
First... don't cast malloc in C. It can hide errors.
Second... your malloc is outside the while( !feof( list ) )
loop yet it only allocates a single instance of the ese structure, but you're loop implies you're loading multiple instances... which means you're overwriting memory... at which point all bets are off.
ese *esemed = NULL;
ese *lastItem = NULL;
ese* newItem = malloc( sizeof( ese ) );
if( !esemed ) esemed = newItem;
if( lastItem ) lastItem->next = newItem;
lastItem = newItem;
fscanf(list, "%s", newItem->kood);
fscanf(list, "%d", &newItem->kogus);
fscanf(list, "%s", newItem->nimetus);
fscanf(list, "%lg", &newItem->hind);
fscanf(list, "%d", &newItem->P);
fscanf(list, "%d", &newItem->K);
fscanf(list, "%d", &newItem->A);