I am trying to install Pydev in eclipse Helios on windows 7. I have done that through help/Install new software
. When attempting to configure Eclipse to find my installed Python, (Window -> Preferences
) the list that appears does not contain Python. When I browse in google about this, someone suggests to run eclipse as administrator. When I try to install the software again, it says that
Software being installed: Pydev Mylyn Integration 0.4.0
(org.python.pydev.mylyn.feature.feature.group 0.4.0)
Missing requirement: Pydev Mylyn Integration 0.4.0
(org.python.pydev.mylyn.feature.feature.group 0.4.0) requires
'org.eclipse.mylyn.context.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found
Why are you using an old version of Eclipse? What I would try first is to download the stable Eclipse version (currently Juno), open it with a new workspace location (to avoid any old config files being loaded) and install PyDev using their suggested method (add the pydev.org/updates
software source and select their packages).
If you still experience problems after doing this, let us know about it - personally, I never had similar trouble.