I am creating a WindowsForms application. In this application I need to draw polygone, using the array with coordinates of polygone's vertexes(nodes).
When user click on one of polygone's nodes, I need to detect, which node is chosen, to suggest user to delete this node.
I am using WindowsForms, PictureBox and Graphics.DrawPolygon for drowing polygones.
How can I detect, if user have clicked on one of nodes? Are there more suitable ways to draw polygones, than WindowsForm and PictureBox?
Thanks in advance.
You would have to check when the picturebox is clicked by running through the nodes points and testing if they are where the user has clicked.
Point[] listOfNodes = new Point[1];
private void pictureBox1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
foreach (Point item in listOfNodes)
if (item == e.Location)
//The node was clicked.