I am trying to generate a navigation table using a django template for
loop. The href target includes a django variable. The django template is written in jade format.
If i were using HTML format in the django template, I would use:
<a href="#{{group.name}}"> {{group.name}} </a>
But I can't find the correct syntax using jade format.
What I have is:
th Jump to a Group
{% for group in groups %}
a(href!='#{{group.name}}') {{group.name}}
{% endfor %}
But the anchors are rendered in HTML as:
<a +{group.name.__str__()+'}'="" href="">Registration</a>
"Registration" is a value for group.name.
Removing the !
causes a django render error.
I tried to insert a backslash: a(href!='#\{{group.name}}') {{group.name}}
, but this renders with the backslash intact as:
<a href="#\Registration">Registration</a>
Edit: As a terrible work-around, I have added a "pound" method to return the group name with a #
def pound(self):
return unicode("#" + self.name)
Now I can reference {{group.pound}} in the jade template:
a(href!='{{group.pound}}') {{group.name}}
Maybe a better method name would be group.name_as_id_tag ....
Based on the last suggestion from @user1737909, I extended the suggestion to try:
a(href='##{group.name}') {{group.name}}
The key is to format the double-curly django variable {{}}
as pound-single-curly jade variable #{}
. Do not include the !
before the =
sign so the variable is evaluated by jade which will insert the value it gets from django.
I wish I could find a link to a coding style reference page to include here. But if I had one, I would not have asked this question in the first place.
Based on the last suggestion from @user1737909, I extended the suggestion to try:
a(href='##{group.name}') {{group.name}}
The key is to format the double-curly django variable {{}}
as pound-single-curly jade variable #{}
. Do not include the !
before the =
sign so the variable is evaluated by jade which will insert the value it gets from django.
OP updated to reflect this solution.