I'm a beginner in Android programming and trying to look at the sample projects,
from the Eclipse ADT (v21.1.0)
i'm choosing New Android Sample -> 4.2.2
-> and have 3 sample choices (Support4Demo,11Demo,...) each of them have 100+ errors
most errors are "cannot be resolved to type"
errors and overriding errors
what am i doing wrong? I am using the latest eclipse and SDK (downloaded together)
Thanks :)
After searching i found that the latest revision (#12 from Feb 2013) of the Android Support Library doesn't contain some classes that it should have (FragmentTabHost, and a few more)
tried to delete and download again, and again it didn't contain the classes it should,
I found this link to the previous release (if you want a different release you can just change the number - 01,02...,09,10,11,12)
I replaced the support folder, copied the new (older) jar , and that solved all the problems.