I'm trying to write a simple if statement that looks to see if a word matches some other words. I can get this to work when I use just one word but not with multiple words like below. When I use if (||)
I would like to use "contains" but can't see how to use this with a var
Also: ("Woven || Main") is a var so I need this part to stay together.
var option="Woven || Main";
This does not work:
var titleIs = "Knit";
if (titleIs.match("Woven || Main")) {
This works:
var titleIs = "Knit";
if (titleIs.match("Woven")) {
var words = ['Woven', 'Main'];
var regex = new RegExp('^(' + words.join('|') + ')$');
if (regex.test(titleIs)) {...}