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Singleton pattern with combination of lazy loading and thread safety

I was doing some research about singletons, specifically regarding lazy vs eager initialization of singletons.

An example of eager initialization:

public class Singleton
    //initialzed during class loading
    private static final Singleton INSTANCE = new Singleton();

    //to prevent creating another instance of Singleton
    private Singleton(){}

    public static Singleton getSingleton(){
        return INSTANCE;

but as shown above that it is eager initialization and thread safety is left to jvm but now, I want to have this same pattern but with lazy initialization.

so I come up with this approach:

public final class Foo {
    private static class FooLoader {
        private static final Foo INSTANCE = new Foo();
    private Foo() {
        if (FooLoader.INSTANCE != null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Already instantiated");
    public static Foo getInstance() {
        return FooLoader.INSTANCE;

As shown above Since the line

private static final Foo INSTANCE = new Foo(); 

is only executed when the class FooLoader is actually used, this takes care of the lazy instantiation, and is it guaranteed to be thread safe.

Is this correct?


  • Your second code snippet is, in my opinion, the best way of thread-safe lazily initializing a singleton. It actually has a pattern name

    Initialization-on-demand holder idiom

    I would suggest you use it.