My setup:
I have a GWT Canvas
that displays some grafics that rely on heavy algorithms. The objects are dragable, and therefore on drag I save everything beside the dragged object on a temporary canvas and reuse this as an image behind the dragging context.
My question: My drag canvas is a reused Canvas object, that has first to be cleared before saving the static context to it before dragging starts. I wonder if "reuse and clear" is better than "create a new canvas object".
What do you think?
Either clear canvas everytime:
private Canvas canvas;
void buffer() {
canvas.getContext2d().clearRect(0, 0, Window.getClientWidth(), Window.getClientHeight());
...or create new object:
void buffer() {
Canvas canvas = Canvas.createIfSupported();
"Reuse and clear" is superior. It is more efficient since it only calls the native clearRect(x, y, w, h)
. There are many events that fire during the addition and removal widgets. I would use a new object only if it were a logical concept. You may also want to consider Lienzo.