I have a div with multiple background-images. I also have a script to change those images every X seconds. I just want to add a simple fade transition, instead of the instant change I get with this script alone. Can I just add a simple line of code to make this work? Your help is greatly appreciated. I am a beginner! Heres the script:
<script type="text/javascript">
var now = 0;
var int = self.setInterval("changeBG()", 2000);
var array = ["jar1.jpg", "field.jpg",];
function changeBG(){
//array of backgrounds
now = (now+1) % array.length ;
$('#maincontent').css('background-image', 'url("photos/' + array[now] + '")');
saw your comment in the other question, thought I might as well have a look. A 'simple' way of cross-fading in jQuery is described in the following link, maybe that can help you on your way?
Good luck