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insert a row in to a google spreadsheet using the API with java

I have a google spreadsheet with 20 rows in. How do I insert a new row below row 10.

I can delete a row with:

            URL listFeedUrl = worksheet.getListFeedUrl();
            ListFeed listFeed = service.getFeed(listFeedUrl, ListFeed.class);

            ListEntry row = listFeed.getEntries().get(10);

I can add a row to the end by re-sizing the worksheet. See here:

I want an example of how to insert a row in the middle of a sheet.


  • There is no "Insert" in the API. The solution was to manually move rows down to create a gap. This does not move "Styles" such as bold. And some "Valid" cell references cause errors when moving down and need to be changed to absolute references.


    Updates references after an insert row, or delete row. This was the most complex bit. There is more, but is not easy to split out.

         * @param locationRow
        private void updateSheetReferences(int locationRow, boolean insertingNewRow) {
            System.out.printf("\n%s ms elapsed updateSheetReferences \n", System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);
            Pattern cellRefPattern = Pattern.compile("R(\\[?)([-0-9]+)\\]?C(\\[?)([-0-9]*)\\]?");
              int incDirection = 1;
              if (insertingNewRow == false)  incDirection = -1;
              for(AppCell nextCell : activeWorksheetCells.getAllCells()) {
                  int row = nextCell.row;
                  int col = nextCell.col;
                  String cellInputValue = nextCell.inputValue;
                  if (cellInputValue == null) continue;
                  // create a copy of the cell to replace
                  String updateReference = cellInputValue; 
                  if(updateReference.startsWith("=")) {
                      String removeReferenceBug = updateReference.replace( (CharSequence) "C:R", (CharSequence) "C[0]:R");
                      Matcher referenceMatcher = cellRefPattern.matcher(removeReferenceBug);
                      StringBuffer restultBuffer = new StringBuffer();
                      while (referenceMatcher.find()) {
                          try {
                              if("[")) {
                                  int rowOffset = Integer.parseInt(;
                                  int topRowOfSpan;
                                  int bottomRowOfSpan;                                
                                  int incSize = 1*incDirection;
                                  // the location of the deleted row is relative, and so one row lower if row was deleted
                                  int locationDeletedOffset = 0;
                                  if(row >= locationRow && insertingNewRow == false) locationDeletedOffset = -1; 
                                  // get the top and bottom rows of the 
                                  if(rowOffset > 0) {
                                      topRowOfSpan = row;
                                      bottomRowOfSpan = row + rowOffset;
                                  } else {
                                      topRowOfSpan = row + rowOffset;
                                      bottomRowOfSpan = row ;       
                                      incSize = -1*incDirection;
                                  //System.out.println("move down: reference:"+cellAddr.reference+" topRowOfSpan:"+topRowOfSpan+
                                  //      " insertLocationRow:"+insertLocationRow+" bottomRowOfSpan:"+bottomRowOfSpan);
                                  // IF reference is the deleted row 
                                  if(insertingNewRow == false && row + rowOffset == locationRow+locationDeletedOffset) {
                                      referenceMatcher.appendReplacement(restultBuffer, "{}");                                                                                                                    
                                  } else {
                                      if(topRowOfSpan <= locationRow+locationDeletedOffset && bottomRowOfSpan >= locationRow+locationDeletedOffset) rowOffset += incSize;
                                      if("[")) {
                                          referenceMatcher.appendReplacement(restultBuffer, "R["+rowOffset+"]C[""]");                                      
                                      } else {
                                          int colOffset = 0;                                          
                                          String colText =;                                         
                                          if(colText != null && "".equals(colText) == false) {
                                              colOffset = Integer.parseInt(colText) - col;
                                          referenceMatcher.appendReplacement(restultBuffer, "R["+rowOffset+"]C["+colOffset+"]");                                                                              
                              } else {
                                  int absoluteRow = Integer.parseInt(;
                                  // IF reference is the deleted row
                                  if(insertingNewRow == false && absoluteRow == locationRow) {
                                      referenceMatcher.appendReplacement(restultBuffer, "{}");                                                                                                                    
                                  } else {
                                      if(absoluteRow >= locationRow ) absoluteRow += 1 * incDirection;
                                      if("[")) {
                                          referenceMatcher.appendReplacement(restultBuffer, "R"+absoluteRow+"C[""]");                                                                                                              
                                      } else {
                                          referenceMatcher.appendReplacement(restultBuffer, "R"+absoluteRow+"C";                                                                                                                                                   
                          } catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {}
                      } // END while
                      updateReference = restultBuffer.toString();                                                                         
                  } // END IF
                  nextCell.inputValue =  updateReference;