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What is the right way to suppress Qt signals when values are explicitely set

I got a from QWidget derived class that holds three QSpinBoxes (e.g. coordinates). The valueChanged() signal is connected and is emitted in at least these three cases:

  1. up/down button
  2. manually entered number
  3. setValue()

However, when using setValue(), I want to suppress the signal(s), since I don't want to have (three) signals. In my understanding, there are two ways to handle this:

  1. QObject::blockSignals()
  2. using a flag that indicates whether the values were explicitely set

Both variants work, but I think they are not straight-forward at all: For the first one, I generally block all signals AND I need to set blockSignals(true) for all underyling widgets (blockSignals doesn't block children QObjects in my application). For the second one, I need to query the flag in every update method AND the signals are raised although I don't need them.

Are there any general designing patterns that prevent such behavior? If not, what variant would you prefer?


  • The third option would be to subclass QSpinBox, implement desired functionality there, and used derived class instead of QSpinBox - this hides all associated complexity in derived class and allows you use it just like QSpinBox.

    For example, following class


    #ifndef MYQSPINBOX_H
    #define MYQSPINBOX_H
    #include <QSpinBox>
    class myQSpinBox : public QSpinBox
        myQSpinBox(QWidget * parent = 0 );
        bool valueBeingSet;
    public slots:
        void setValue (int val);
    private slots:
        void On_valueChanged(int val);
        void valueChangedNotBySet(int val);
    #endif // MYQSPINBOX_H


    #include "myQSpinBox.h"
    myQSpinBox::myQSpinBox(QWidget * parent)
            : QSpinBox(parent)
            , valueBeingSet(false)
    void    myQSpinBox::setValue ( int val )
        valueBeingSet = true;
        valueBeingSet = false;
    void myQSpinBox::On_valueChanged(int val)
            emit valueChangedNotBySet(val);

    will emit valueChangedNotBySet(int); in cases 1. and 2., but not in case 3., keeping all QSpinBox functionality intact