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FBJS textarea countdown

I have a textarea element in a Facebook application I want to limit, visually, to a certain number of characters. This is a code snippet I got from the web:


  function textCounter(textarea, countdown, maxlimit)
    textareaid = "ta1";
    if (textareaid.value.length > maxlimit)
      textareaid.value = textareaid.value.substring(0, maxlimit);
      document.getElementById(countdown).value = '('+(maxlimit-textareaid.value.length)+' characters available)';


    <textarea id="ta1" name="ta1" rows=5 cols=20
    <input id="ta1count" readonly type="text" size="30"/>

<script type="text/javascript">

This script works well outside of a Facebook frame, but I don't understand the limitations of FBJS and what I'd need to change to make this script work. Has anyone had success implementing a similar feature?



  • You code snippet you posted doesn't work.

    here is a version that does work (is tested)

    <title>Tarea test</title>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function id (e) {
        return document.getElementById(e);
    window.onload = function () {
        var oElement = id('message');
        var iMaxChars = 300;
        oElement.onblur = getHandler(iMaxChars);
        oElement.onfocus = getHandler(iMaxChars);
        oElement.onchange = getHandler(iMaxChars);
        oElement.onkeyup = getHandler(iMaxChars);
        updateTextArea('message', iMaxChars);
    function getHandler(iMaxChars) {
      return function () { updateTextArea('message', iMaxChars) };
    function updateTextArea(sTextAreaID, iMessageMaxLength) {
        var oTextAreaNode = id(sTextAreaID);
        var oMessageCounter = id('messagecounter');
        var sMessageValue = oTextAreaNode.value;
        var iMessageLength = sMessageValue.length;
        if (iMessageLength > iMessageMaxLength) {
            oTextAreaNode.value = sMessageValue.substr(0, iMessageMaxLength);
        oMessageCounter.innerHTML = ""+(iMessageMaxLength - iMessageLength);
    <form action="#" method="post"> 
        <label for="message" id="messagelabel">Message <span id="messagecounter">300</span></label> 
        <textarea id="message" name="message" rows="10" cols="50"></textarea> 

    In you example you are trying to get a value from a string. textareaid.value textareaid isn't a node in this scope.