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Move Up, Move Down Buttons for ListBoxes in Visual Studio

I am trying to make a Move Up Button, and a Move Down Button, to move a selected item in a ListBox in Microsoft Visual Studio 2012. I have seen other examples in WDF, jquery, winforms, and some other forms but I haven't seen examples from Microsoft Visual Studio yet.

I have tried something like this:

        listBox1.AddItem(listBox1.Text, listBox1.ListIndex - 1);

But Microsoft Visual Studio didn't have an "AddItem" property in their ListBoxes.

For more information, I have two listboxes that I want to make my Move up and down Buttons work with; the SelectedPlayersListBox, and the AvailablePlayersListBox. Will someone be kind enough to give me examples of a Move Up and Down button in Microsoft Visual Studio? Thank you.


  • Sarcasm-free answer. Enjoy

    private void btnUp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    private void btnDown_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    void MoveUp(ListBox myListBox)
        int selectedIndex = myListBox.SelectedIndex;
        if (selectedIndex > 0)
            myListBox.Items.Insert(selectedIndex - 1, myListBox.Items[selectedIndex]);
            myListBox.Items.RemoveAt(selectedIndex + 1);
            myListBox.SelectedIndex = selectedIndex - 1;
    void MoveDown(ListBox myListBox)
        int selectedIndex = myListBox.SelectedIndex;
        if (selectedIndex < myListBox.Items.Count - 1 & selectedIndex != -1)
            myListBox.Items.Insert(selectedIndex + 2, myListBox.Items[selectedIndex]);
            myListBox.SelectedIndex = selectedIndex + 1;