I created a custom Assert class for unit testing, and I'm not sure what to do when I want to notify that the test has failed:
public static class MyAssert
public static void Contains(File file, string text){
if(!ContainText(file, text)){
// what to do here?
I reflected the Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert
Class and noticed that it calls HandleFail:
internal static void HandleFail(string assertionName, string message, params object[] parameters)
string str = string.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
str = parameters != null ? string.Format((IFormatProvider) CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Assert.ReplaceNulls((object) message), parameters) : Assert.ReplaceNulls((object) message);
if (Assert.AssertionFailure != null)
Assert.AssertionFailure((object) null, EventArgs.Empty);
throw new AssertFailedException((string) FrameworkMessages.AssertionFailed((object) assertionName, (object) str));
But this is an internal method. I could use reflection to call it, or maybe it makes more sense to throw an AssertFailedException? Is there another option that I'm missing?
In order to make a custom Assert method as operate exactly like the standard assert methods, you must throw a new AssertFailedException
. At first I really didn't like this because the debugger stops on the AssertFailedException
throw statement, and not on the actual assert statement. After a little more research I discovered the DebuggerHidden
method attribute and viola, my assert performs as desired.
public static void Contains(File file, string text){
if(!ContainText(file, text)){
HandleFail("MyAssert.Contains", null, null);
private static void HandleFail(string assertName, string message, params object[] parameters )
message = message ?? String.Empty;
if (parameters == null)
throw new AssertFailedException(String.Format("{0} failed. {1}", assertName, message));
throw new AssertFailedException(String.Format("{0} failed. {1}", assertName, String.Format(message, parameters)));