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How to instruct Maven to copy compiled EAR on linux OR windows to a OS-specific directory?

I'm having a POM file which is currently copying the compiled EAR file to a linux directory.

I mean to do the same for my Windows developers, without having them to manually adapt the output directory. Thus, the maven resource plugin should determine the path (/projects/shared_ears for Linux and D:\projects_bin\shared_ears for Windows) by the operating system. Can it be done with the maven-resources-plugin? Saying, without using the maven ant run plugin?

Below the existing copy command applicable for linux OS only.

Thanks for any smart idea.




  • The simplest way to do this is to use maven profiles

    One way to activate a profile is to use the os (operating system). You have to define a property. Let's say <>/projects/shared_ears</> and use this property in your plugin configuration:


    Now, you can specify this property in 2 distinct profiles and activate one profile or the other based on the current operating system. Here is how to do it:


    Additionnal info about profile and os detection here