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Combining duplicate entries with unique data in Excel

I have an Excel database and I'm trying avoid doing some manual combining of duplicate data. I've got a bunch of listings that are essentially the same aside from the tags column. What I'd like to have it do is combine these 5 listings into 1 listing, making the categories a comma separated list in a single cell.

Turn this

Data Example

into this

Desired result

Is there any way of achieving this? My document has a couple thousand listings, so I'm obviously trying to avoid the manual edit route. I'm an Excel novice, so any hand holding or tutorials you could point me to would be appreciated.


  • This can also be done using formulas. For my example to work, the data would need to be sorted by the first column and there would need to be a header row.

    You would need two more columns (C & D). First, add a formula that essentially says to concatenate the data in column B if data in column A is the same as the row above it, otherwise reset the concatenation. The next column would contain a formula to identify the final concatenations so you can sort later.

    This is how I would do it with listings and categories in columns A & B (again, the data would need to be sorted by column A and there would need to be a header row): enter image description here

    Here's the results. Now I would copy the entire range and paste values into another sheet. The rows with zero for column D is what I'd want to use. Sorting by column D would float them to the top. enter image description here