Search code examples

Looping through XML with jQuery

I've got some basic code that can loop through some XML that's generated from Adobe RoboHelp (for our help documentation). This works fine, but since a topic could be nested as many time as the writer wants, i need a better way to loop through this XML rather than just nesting .each() loops.

Here's what the XML looks like

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--RoboML: Table of Content-->
  <page title="Welcome" url="Welcome.htm"/>
 <book title="Getting Started" url="Getting_Started/Initial_Setup.htm">
   <page title="Initial Setup" url="Getting_Started/Initial_Setup.htm"/>
   <page title="Customize Settings" url="Getting_Started/Settings.htm"/>
 <book title="Administrator Services" url="Administrator_Services/General_Administrator.htm">
  <book title="Portal Workspace" url="Administrator_Services/Portal_Workspace/AdminHome.htm">
    <page title="Home" url="Administrator_Services/Portal_Workspace/AdminHome.htm"/>
    <page title="Portal Accounts" url="Administrator_Services/Portal_Workspace/Portal_Accounts.htm"/>

  <book title="SpamLab" url="Administrator_Services/SpamLab/SpamLab_Admin_General.htm">
    <page title="Alerts" url="Administrator_Services/SpamLab/Alerts.htm"/>
    <page title="Spam Quarantine" url="Administrator_Services/SpamLab/Admin_Spam_Quarantine_.htm"/>


 <book title="User Services" url="User_Services/General_User.htm">
  <book title="Portal Workspace" url="User_Services/Portal_Workspace/Home.htm">
    <page title="Home" url="User_Services/Portal_Workspace/Home.htm"/>
    <page title="Self Help" url="User_Services/Portal_Workspace/Self_Help.htm"/>
  <book title="SpamLab" url="User_Services/SpamLab/SpamLab_General.htm">
    <page title="Spam Quarantine" url="User_Services/SpamLab/Spam_Quarantine.htm"/>
    <page title="Virus Quarantine" url="User_Services/SpamLab/Virus_Quarantine.htm"/>

  <book title="Encryption" url="User_Services/Encryption/Encryption_General.htm">
    <page title="Outlook Plug-in" url="User_Services/Encryption/Encryption_Outlook_Plug_in.htm"/>

A <page> is an article, and a <book> is a folder.

Her's my jQuery code, which only can look one level deep of tags

   //Get the TOC
        $tocOutput+="<li><a href='"+$(this).attr("url")+"'>"+$(this).attr("title")+"</a>";
                $tocOutput+="<li><a href='"+$(this).attr("url")+"'>"+$(this).attr("title")+"</a></li>";

I know there's a better way to just loop through all elements and then determine if the element has children, etc. but I just can't think of how to do it.

Any help is greatly appreciated!


  • Recursive functions work well for this. When you create a function that creates and uses an internal recursive closure you can wrap it all up in a neat little package:

        $.get(tocURL, function(toc) {
        function makeToc($xml) {
            // variable to accumulate markup
            var markup = "";
            // worker function local to makeToc
            function processXml() {
                markup += "<li><a href='" + $(this).attr("url") + "'>" + $(this).attr("title") + "</a>";
                if (this.nodeName == "BOOK") {
                    markup += "<ul>";
                    // recurse on book children
                    markup += "</ul>";
                markup += "</li>";
            // call worker function on all children
            return markup;
        var tocOutput = makeToc($(toc));