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Issue with jQuery UI Drag & Drop - Won't allow drop in textarea after typing in it

I'm creating an interface that allows the user to drag & drop preset responses into a "reply" <textarea>. I decided to use jQuery UI.

The issue: After typing in the <textarea>, the .droppable() functionality is broken.

I can click inside the <textarea> and then drop text into it, but after typing, I can't drop any text into the <textarea>...




    // Initialization
    function init(){
        // Draggable
            helper : "clone",
            cursor : "move"

        // Droppable
        $(".survey-reply textarea").droppable({
            accept : ".response",
            drop : dropResponse

    // When Dropped
    function dropResponse(event,ui) {

        var draggable = ui.draggable;

        // Get existing text
        var text = $(this).text();

        // If field is empty then just apply the dragged response
        if (text == "") {
        // If not, then add the dragged response to the present text
        else {
            $(this).text(text + ' ' + draggable.children(".saved-response").val()).appendTo(this);



This accomplishes what I need (almost). It allows me to drag the <li> responses into a <textarea>. It also compiles the text instead of replacing the text in the <textarea>.

What it doesn't do: I need the user to be able to type in the <textarea>, then drag a response into the <textarea>, at which time the preset response is added to the typed text.

At the moment, I can click inside the <textarea>, and while it is in focus, drag responses into it. But for some reason, typing in the <textarea> disables the droppable event...

If anyone can help me figure out how to type in the text areas, then drag the responses into the same text area, I would be greatful!

Note: I didn't include the HTML, but I assure you, the selectors are accurate. I do have a placeholder attribute applied to the <textarea>. I don't believe this has anything to do with the issue (since dragging and dropping the text eliminates the displayed placeholder text...


  • The problem is you're using the text() function to get/set the textarea value, what you really want is val(). Also, I don't think you want the .appendTo(this) calls where you're updating the textarea value and you don't need to wrap your call to init with $(), you can just do init();. Change these two lines and it should work:

    Change this:

    var text = $(this).text();


    var text = $(this).val();

    and change this:

    $(this).text(text + ' ' + draggable.children(".saved-response").val()).appendTo(this);

    to this:

    $(this).val(text + ' ' + draggable.children(".saved-response").val());