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How can I make window movement commands ignore a certain window?

So I generally have 3 buffers open in Emacs.

  1. One buffer for the actual code I am writing.
  2. One buffer for the unit test for said code.
  3. A third buffer that displays the results of the unit test. This buffer comes into being below the two other buffers when I run my unit test C-x SPACE.

How do I disable this third buffer such that when I press C-x o I am only switching between buffer 1 and buffer 2? Currently, I switch between buffer 1, then buffer 2, then buffer 3, then buffer 1, etc. To be specific, I want C-x o to only switch between buffer 1 and 2.

Thank you.


  • A general solution to this (can look) something like the following:

    (defvar ignore-windows-containing-buffers-matching-res '("\\*Help")
          "List of regular expressions specifying windows to skip (if window contains buffer that matches, skip)")
    (defadvice other-window (before other-window-ignore-windows-containing activate)
      "skip over windows containing buffers which match regular expressions in 'ignore-windows-containing-buffers-matching-res"
      (if (and (= 1 (ad-get-arg 0)) (interactive-p))
          (let* ((win (next-window))
                 (bname (buffer-name (window-buffer win))))
            (when (some 'identity (mapcar '(lambda (re)
                                            (string-match re bname))
              (ad-set-arg 0 2)))))

    Customize the variable to be a regular expression matching the buffer names you want to skip.