In the QBSDK, I have an event setup using the sample EventSubscribe and EventHandler. I am subscribing to a Customer Modify event. When I get the event, I get the xml code below. It gives me the ListID which allows me to get the current customer name. However, I need the old name also. I am trying to update the name in Postgres and it needs the old name. Is there some way I can get the old name?
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<?qbxml version="3.0" ?>
<CompanyFilePath>C:\Users\Public\Documents\Intuit\QuickBooks\Company Files\Shain Software.qbw</CompanyFilePath>
<ProductName>QuickBooks Pro 2012</ProductName>
There is no way to get the old name.
You shouldn't need it.
Store the ListIDs in your database, and update based on that instead of the old name.