I'm developing a quite big app with several activities, see link, and I have 2 questions about the base design.
What is best practise concerning opening activities, so that that i don't waste memory by having multiple instances of the same class open at same time and such?
The app must receive USB-data constantly through a UART-interface, and should somehow forward this data to the activity in focus. For now the start activity receive the data through a handler. this would work if only one activity needed the USB-data. How should I do this?
final Handler handler = new Handler()
public void handleMessage(Message msg)
if(actualNumBytes[0] != 0x00)
info.append(String.copyValueOf(readBuffer, 0, actualNumBytes[0]));
/*usb input data handler*/
private class handler_thread extends Thread
Handler mHandler;
handler_thread(Handler h ){
mHandler = h;
public void run()
Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage();
catch(InterruptedException e){}
status = uartInterface.ReadData((byte)64, readBuffer, actualNumBytes);
If you wish to minimize the number of activities, consider using fragments instead.
If you have a global variable/event/thread that need to be handled by the current activity, put it in a service, and let the activity communicate with it (connect on start/resume, disconnect on pause/stop).
Hope this helps.