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Wait for thread to finish in Java

I have some code which executes a download in a separate thread, created so that the JFrame GUI will continue to update during the download. But, the purpose is completely defeated when I use Thread.join(), as it causes the GUI to stop updating. I need a way to wait for the thread to finish and still update the GUI.


  • You can have the task that does the download also fire an event to the GUI.

    For example:

    Runnable task = new Runnable() {
       public void run() {
          // do your download
          SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
             public void run() {
                // call some method to tell the GUI that the download finished.

    and then to run it, either use an Executor (preferred method) or a raw thread:



    new Thread(task).start();

    As pointed out in the comments, you'd generally use a SwingWorker to do this kind of thing but you can also do the manual approach outlined above.

    SwingWorker provides a doInBackground method where you would stick your download logic in, a done method where you would stick in code to notify the GUI that the download finished and a get method to get the result of doInBackground (if there was one).


    class Downloader extends SwingWorker<Object, Object> {
       public Object doInBackground() {
           return doDownload();
       protected void done() {
           try { 
           } catch (Exception ignore) {
    (new Downloader()).execute();