I'm doing a sample proyect based on Chaplin-boilerplate, and is working perfect, but I can't understand how the view render after the fetch has finalized, for example with Backbone you can use on event change, or with a callback in the fetch method, but with chaplinjs how are doing this?, are there using the event change from Backbone?, what class of Chaplinjs is binding the event ? how are doing the binding ?
class CampaignController extends Chaplin.Controller
title: 'Campaign'
index: (params) ->
campaign = new Campaign()
@view = new CartView model: campaign
class CartView extends View
template: template
template = null
container: '#cart'
autoRender: true
className: 'cart'
initialize: ->
render: ->
class Campaign extends Model
initialize: (attributes, options) ->
@urlRoot = "http://localhost/store/js/test-data/cart.json"
Where you're doing @view = new CartView model: campaign
you're assigning the campaign
object as the model to the view.
The ChaplinJS View class automatically does the following:
if (target === 'model' || target === 'collection') {
prop = this[target];
if (prop) {
this.listenTo(prop, eventName, callback);
This should answer your question