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Unknown provider: $rootscopeProvider <- $rootscope

I'm trying to inject $scope into a jasmine test, but get the exception

Unknown provider: $rootscopeProvider <- $rootscope

My Spec file is this:

describe("with data returned from NormDefinitions API", function () {
    const dummyData = [
        {"Id": 1, "Name": "Name 1", "Description": "Description 1"},
        {"Id": 2, "Name": "Name 2", "Description": "Description 1"}

    var $scope,
        mockService = {
            query: function () {
                return  dummyData;

    beforeEach(inject(function ($rootscope) {
         $scope = $rootscope.$new();

    it("it can be instantiated", inject(function($controller) {
        var controller = $controller("NormDefinitionsController",
                $scope: $scope,
                myService : mockService


What am I missing?


  • Typo (happens to all of us): $rootScope with a capital S.

    Sometimes people forget to inject it. Then you'd get this error:

    ReferenceError: $rootScope is not defined