I use Rx.js and JqueryPromises I have run into a situation where i call a method to process an event published by Rx. This method however returns a promise.
eventStream.Subscribe(function(e) { methodThatReturnsPromise(e);});
The problem is that the processing of events is no longer deterministic. As methodThatReturnsPromise returns immediately as it defers processing.
My question :) Is there a way to "wait" on a promise? Is there any hooks for Rx to use promises i.e. chain the returned promise of a subscribe to the next returned promise of subscribe, so messages are still processed in order?
This code seems to do the trick for anyone else interested. I just need to chain the return deferreds.
var seed = $.Deferred();
observable.aggregate(seed, function(chain, n){
return chain.then(function(){
console.log("Starting on Event " + n);
return process(n);